Tuesday, March 11, 2008


In "Dihydrogen Monoxide in the Dairy Industry", Tom Way discusses the issue about dihydrogen monoxide in milk. The purpose for the website is to inform readers about the risks of dihydrogen monoxide(DHMO), but according to the CRAAP test, this website does not pass the test and is unreliable. On the homepage of this website, the date of when it was last updated is displayed at the bottom of the page, showing that it was last updated on March 11, 2008. This shows that this website is still current. The ideas present on the page are not consistent, therefore showing no relevance to the issue at hand. The first five paragraphs go into the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide, that it is a contaminant in milk. Then the next paragraphs go into the use of a photograph of a cow taken from another corporation. The author of the website is Tom Way. According to the website www.cvc.villanova.edu, it states that Tom Way specializes in the field of computer science. To make sure that it was the Tom Way I was looking for, I went through the website and sure enough, the website provided a link to the dhmo.org website. Because Tom Way specializes in the field of computer science, he does not have the qualifications to talk about health. Therefore, Tom Way quotes Dr. Donna Maria Waltz, who specializes in the field of dairy nutrition. In the article, there is a link under Dr. Waltz's name to her webpage. On her webpage, she claims that she has a bachelors, masters, and a Ph.D degree under the title of her name. She gives us a link to the company where she had worked before, but the link is not functional. She also gives us two links to the schools from where she got her degrees, but only one is functional. Dr. Waltz does not provide a lot of information about her and at the end of what she has posted, she states "That's all I'm going to say about myself and my vocation. :-)" which doesn't show seriousness about her profession. Most of the links to the special reports on the homepage do not make much sense (for example DHMO plays a role in the formation of cancer), considering that dihydrogen monoxide(DHMO) is just another name for water. According to the American Chemistry Council, dihydrogen means two hydrogen atoms and monoxide means one oxygen atom and therefore comprises H2O. Although the information provided sounds intellectual and is supported by one source, that one source is unreliable and there are no other sources to back up the claim. As a result, because the contents of this webpage does not pass the criteria of a reliable source, this website is a bunch of crap!


Kimbi33 said...

I was really impressed when reading your blog! Your outside research helped you analyze the page and gave background information in order to pick up that the author was not a reliable sourch. That he in fact, specialized in computer science, in no way relating to health and the topic. Great job!

Anonymous said...

I think you did a really good analysis on the website. With outside research, you were able to find out that the information and the author was not reliable. Also, it's interesting that we assume something is true because the writer uses "big" words to describe an everyday thing. So great analysis. Good Job!