Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What is a blog?

I'm not much of a person who blogs. Before reading the information provided on blogging, I just thought that a blog was a place on the web where you can just post anything that was on your mind. Alot of the blogs that I've seen have talked about events that have happened to the person or just something that was on the person's mind, as if the person wants to vent out their feelings. I've also seen blogs in the form of a forum, where one idea is posted and people post comments about it and it turns into a big discussion. What I did not know was that companies posted blogs. I've rarely seen companies trying to advertise themselves by posting blogs. I'm also very suprised that there's hate crimes in blogs. I didn't even think that these kinds of groups existed in blogs. It makes me mad that people would try to create a group like this and scheme evil plans or why people would even join groups like that. But after reading the information on blogs, I've now learned that blogs are used for multiple purposes.


Colleen said...

It does seem sad that that's what our world is coming to. But it honestly doesn't surprise me. Just think about all the other ways that people join hate groups and plot against major groups or organizations. I think it's just the "way of the future" to start hate crimes. It's a horrible thing to think about though.

Anonymous said...

I was suprised to find out that companies use blogs, too. I have never seen a blog posted by a company. Maybe I have and didn't really notice it was a blog because I didn't know they did that. I am totally against hate blogging. I also think it's dumb and I don't understand why people do join groups that do hate blog. But then I think that maybe it's the only place that they feel they belong. They may feel like they do not fit into some place in the world and joining a group like that gives them a sense of belonging and purpose. I just wish that they could find a different place that they could fit in instead of with a group who hate blogs.

Nick Tambakeras said...

Ann Marie totally makes a good point about certain people finding a sense of belonging in a hate group. It is a difficult thing to comprehend, but I suppose, in a way, I can see their perspective. I in no way condone or accept that type of behavior, but for someone who has felt left out for much of their lives, finding one of these groups provides them with the sense of community they need to go on living. Do we just automatically call all these people evil, or do we rather try devise ways to show them that a hate group is not the only community out there that will accept them? We can model positive community and acceptance on blogs and the webs, and maybe that combats the negativity and harm that these other groups put out into the world. Maybe we should start a class blog about community, acceptance, why hate of any kind is unacceptable.

Ally03 said...

I too am not a person who has post blogs before this assignment and agree when you say that blogs are used for multiple purposes that I did not know about. I am in no way a supporter of hate groups of any kind but it does not surprise me that there are so many hate groups on blogs. Even though what they are saying and doing are wrong and cold hearted, they are entitled to their opinion just as we are. Even though there are a lot of hate groups, there are probably even more groups that are good.